
de Berry

Madame de Berry

Madame de Berry lives in her dream palace where she tries to escape reality and the passing of time. In her eclectic world filled with wonderful characters, she seamlessly interweaves reality and theatrical fantasy. In a reflective and humorous manner, she observes the beauty and tragedy of our existence. Fantasize with Madame’s theory about time travel, souls, coincidence, and serendipity.

Madame de Berry is the woman behind Berry Visser. Berry is the founder of Mojo Concerts and one of the organizers of the legendary Kralingse Pop Festival.

The Hidden House

Madame de Berry inspired Berry Visser to decorate his centuries-old warehouse in Delft. His alter ego has a theatrical and eccentric style.

The building is a composition full of colour, fuzzy fabrics, dolls, clocks, and paintings. Each room has its own specific colour – the blue salon, the black lounge, the orange chamber, the chocolatey room. It is a wonderful universe created by Berry Visser in the centre of Delft. He crafted a magical world that cannot easily be described. Golden sculptures, exuberant lamps, flowers, dozens of chairs, decorations, fuzzy wallpaper, and especially lots of colour. The lighting design of the rooms took two years to develop and build. Enter the dream world of an imaginative man.

Visitors to the Hidden House not only travel through the theatre but also through time. They are guided in groups of four from one salon to another with the aid of headphones and a guard.


Sophie Kelder

Berry Visser’s concept of the ‘total experience’ is now the standard at many festivals where various disciplines mix and much attention is paid to the staging and the acts.

Berry Visser

He founded Mojo,organised the legendary Holland Pop Festival with The Byrds and Pink Floyd at the age of 22, and can rightfully be called the creator of the total festival.

VPRO 3voor12

At a young age, Berry Visser started booking entertainers and singer-songwriters under the name of Mojo Theater to perform at the clubhouse of a student society in Delft. As a 22-year-old in 1969, he booked, among others, Soft Machine in the Concertgebouw, the first major concert by Mojo. A year later, he and Georges Knap set up the Holland Pop Festival in het Kralingse Bos.

With Mojo Concerts, he arranged for world-famous stars such as Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, and Led Zeppelin to perform in the Netherlands for the first time and is the founding father of Lowlands. Later, Berry Visser focussed more on his creative side and surprised Delft with the unforgettable ‘Baby Blue’ show. Ten years later, he started organising shows as Madame de Berry from his own impressive house. With much attention to detail and without a specific end goal in mind, he spent a decade transforming the building into a home theater with a quirky atmosphere. Berry Visser considers this exceptional location and collection as a ‘gesammt work of art’.

From the first festival to the first stadium concert, Berry Visser was the founding father. His concept of the ‘total experience’ has become the standard at many festivals.”

Vrij Nederland

Madame de Berry

Madame de Berry is the woman behind Berry Visser. Berry is the founder of Mojo Concerts and one of the organizers of the legendary Kralingse Pop Festival.

Madame de Berry lives in her dream palace where she tries to escape reality and the passing of time. In her eclectic world filled with wonderful characters, she seamlessly interweaves reality and theatrical fantasy. In a reflective and humorous manner, she observes the beauty and tragedy of our existence. Fantasize with Madame’s theory about time travel, souls, coincidence, and serendipity.

The Hidden House

Madame de Berry inspired Berry Visser to decorate his centuries-old warehouse in Delft. His alter ego has a theatrical and eccentric style.

The building is a composition full of colour, fuzzy fabrics, dolls, clocks, and paintings. It is a wonderful universe created by Berry Visser in the center of Delft. He crafted a magical world that cannot easily be described. Golden sculptures, exuberant lamps, flowers, dozens of chairs, decorations, fuzzy wallpaper, and especially lots of colour. The lighting design of the rooms took two years to develop and build. Enter the dream world of an imaginative man.

Bezoekers van de voorstelling Woont Dorothy hier? maken niet alleen een reis door het theater maar ook een reis door de tijd. Bezoekers worden in groepen van vier en met behulp van een headset en een suppoost van de ene naar de andere salon geleid.


Sophie Kelder

Berry Visser’s concept of the ‘total experience’ is now the standard at many festivals where various disciplines mix and much attention is paid to the staging and the acts.

Berry Visser

He founded Mojo,organised the legendary Holland Pop Festival with The Byrds and Pink Floyd at the age of 22, and can rightfully be called the creator of the total festival.

VPRO 3voor12

At a young age, Berry Visser started booking entertainers and singer-songwriters under the name of Mojo Theater to perform at the clubhouse of a student society in Delft. As a 22-year-old in 1969, he booked, among others, Soft Machine in the Concertgebouw, the first major concert by Mojo. A year later, he and Georges Knap set up the Holland Pop Festival in het Kralingse Bos.

With Mojo Concerts, he arranged for world-famous stars such as Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, and Led Zeppelin to perform in the Netherlands for the first time and is the founding father of Lowlands. Later, Berry Visser focussed more on his creative side and surprised Delft with the unforgettable ‘Baby Blue’ show. Ten years later, he started organising shows as Madame de Berry from his own impressive house. With much attention to detail and without a specific end goal in mind, he spent a decade transforming the building into a home theater with a quirky atmosphere. Berry Visser ziet deze bijzondere locatie en verzameling als een ‘gesammt kunstwerk’ dat hij voor het nageslacht wil bewaren en heeft daarom besloten het om te dopen tot museum.

From the first festival to the first stadium concert, Berry Visser was the founding father. His concept of the ‘total experience’ has become the standard at many festivals.”

Vrij Nederland